She seemed so real! Friendly, pudgy, with the inferiority complex of your favorite highschool friend-- she was very accessible. Could this be me (without the crazy hair and I-am-Woman skirt)? In my endless faith in the web, I've done some digging and discovered that, alas, all questions of existence can actually be solved via a cosmo quiz:
Check off those that apply. The more you check off, the better your chances
at publication. But be honest.
___ Ability to work with others
___ Appearance
___ Integrity
___ Love of writing
___ Professionalism
___ Quality of writing
___ Self-awareness
___ Self-motivation
___ Talent
___ Writing style
___ Vocabulary, grammar
ARE YOU A WRITER? Take this quiz and find out.
1. Writers are:
a. imaginative
b. creative
c. manic-depressive
2. My idea of glamour is:
a. lots of money
b. lots of travel opportunities
c. throwing up on The Today Show
3. I'm most comfortable driving:
a. a Mercedes
b. an Oldsmobile
c. a 1990 Honda Civic
4. John Irving has a great:
a. book
b. bank account
c. body
5. The most important part of a book is:
a. the plot
b. the jacket design
c. the size and type the author's name is printed in
6. On a film, the writer's name appears:
a. first
b. last
c. not at all
7. Good critiques are:
a. honest
b. compassionate
c. infrequent
8. When looking for a publisher, the best is:
a. get lucky
b. go to jail and write Norman Mailer
c. have a relative in the business
9. To keep in touch with news of the writing business:
a. subscribe to periodicals
b. attend seminars
c. check new tax laws
10. I enjoy working:
a. with someone else
b. alone
c. in a groupCourtesy of
This is the most depressing thing I've seen all day, and I've been up since 7:15am.
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